Monday, October 28, 2013

our last 2 days, Nuremberg, Reilingen

On our way to Reilingen, we stopped in Nuremberg to visit Barbara & Wolfgang, a couple I met in Souris at Artisans on Main in the summer. After our conversations there, they invited us to call them if we came to Nuremberg. So we did!
Went to their house for coffee and cake, visited for several hours....nice family. Their daughter Katherine was on a school exchange with a Souris boy several years ago. She got to be friends with his younger sister and now the sister - Marie-Pierre is in Germany on a private exchange for 3 months!
Nuremberg is known for the Nuremberg Trials, unfortunately the museum is closed every Tuesday, so we missed it.

Drove on to Reilingen, to the Achat Hotel. Settled in, then drove to the village to find a restaurant. Walked back in later to Insel Kreta, lovely family restaurant, they came from Crete 35 yrs ago, now have grandchildren here. Delicious. Used the sauna and hot tub downstairs.

Next morning, got bikes from the hotel and biked into Reilingen for breakfast, well breakfast as we know it is hard to find, so settled on a coffee, bananas from the grocery store and a sweet cake thing. Then biked to Hockenheim, and then Neulussheim, then Altlussheim for lunch. All villages nearby, lovely bike trails everywhere! After lunch, biked along the Rhine River for bait, back to hotel for massages before our long flights tomorrow....Pizza and salad in room for dinner. Pizza 5 Euros, Wine 5 Euros, 2 salads 4 Euros total, best deal yet! Then another sauna....great last day!
biking along Rhine

houses in Reilingen

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